

All About Cloud Storage

Public cloud storage services attract attention of not only small and medium business, but also of large companies. Of course, such storages are under special requirements. The key factors of corporate class cloud storage do not only include the cost of the service, but also its reliability, security, controllability and administrative convenience, as well as access speed to the cloud data.

Such storage intends data placement on distributed servers. The data are reserved and stored on several servers in the protected DPC with high level of security and on several sites. For example, high reliability is achieved by the automated creation of several replicas of the data on separate independent servers. Reliability on the level Tier III means that SLA guarantees accessibility of 99.98% of time. Thus, cloud storage for business makes it possible to store your data reliably and not expensive, providing access independent on the location, and you can also easily scale your resources. Consequently, you cut your expenses for the creation and technical maintenance of the IT infrastructure as the service helps to increase the flexibility of the business processes.

There is no need to acquire your own DSS and other infrastructure equipment, bear expenses for its administration, update and security provision. Constant access to the cloud storage means that you can work with the data and files anytime and anywhere. Your staff can quicker get the required information, share data in case of joint activity and work with common documents. It is planned to cipher the data provided for storage, to setup the access rights, to register file operations, to monitor and protect against threats.

Nowadays, cloud storage services have little difference between each other: settable structure for files and folders, possibility to setup access and similar interface. However their internal architecture and offered possibilities are different. Such services are tolled according to the principle of actual use or according to the available storage volume.

What is the object cloud storage used for?

There are a lot of different scenarios for the use of this cloud storage. For example: archiving, file storage and joint work with them. The tasks can be absolutely different: main storage for cloud applications, big data storage, data repository for analytics and of course, it is convenient to use them for backup and functional disaster recovery.

For example, object storage can be used in the following scenarios: storage of backup copies, posting web-sites content and letters (photo, video, files to download), storage of video surveillance files, archives, storage and distribution of media content (video, music) as well as the storage for the records system, game content, big data and loT data. There is a wide range of devices providing access to the storage and data download.

Today's popular service is cloud backup. Most of the backup systems can be connected to our cloud storage via S3 ARI. It is also possible to work with the built-in means of applications backup.

Another common task is hosting of the static web-site content. In general, such storage can be used for any data which are usually stored once and may be required in future, whether they are legal documents, medical records, digital assets, media files and other documents. For example, broadcasting and media companies require big storages for media materials.

Users and companies choose online storages because it is convenient, safe and efficient. They store their files in such clouds as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage and Dropbox depending on their demands. Though, Amazon is the leader in popularity, Azure and Dropbox are leaders in the growth speed.

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